Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to deal with Incontinent Dogs

Suppose you suddenly find that the perfectly house trained dog has suddenly developed an incontinence which leads him/her to dirty the house at odd moments. Some dogs are seen at older age loses the ability to control himself/herself from doing the dirty on their bed or somewhere like that. There are many reasons why a pet can suddenly develop this problem and incontinent dogs are a problem in the household which you just do not need. So in order to ensure that you do not have a problem in the house you need to figure out what can be done to stop it as soon as possible.

A lot of times you will find that the animal would have urinary or fecal incontinence. Dog being one of the most commonly kept household pets you would find incontinence in dogs the most, especially when they grow old. A lot of times there is a definite pattern in it, and it can happen in the aftermath of childbirth for many dogs. Some dogs lose their control post giving birth or during old age. There are times when you would find them soiling their beds or resting ground during their sleep. Sometimes there are also changes in the dog’s behavior, where he/she can have mood swings, or they can be unnecessarily cranky, which are sure shot signs of something being wrong with him/her.

Incontinent dogs are definitely a problem but there are solutions. But first you must know exactly what is causing the trouble.  Make sure you check with your doctor if the problem continues after a fortnight, and yes, make a note of how incontinent your animal is and if there is any pattern of such disturbance. You can find incontinence in young dogs quite a lot because they have not been properly house-trained most of the times. But when it comes to older dogs this is not exactly common. A lot of dogs can fall victim to various diseases including diabetes which can cause incontinence. Dog should undergo a thorough check up at the vet’s clinic to figure out the cause of the problem and then you should also report any change in behavior or any new unusual thing that the dog is up to recently. This can help your doctor to understand exactly what is wrong and then provide a solution which would help your adorable little animal get over the problem.

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